1. Omnipresent: something which is found everywhere is called omnipresent.

2. Omnivorous: Animal which can eat both plants and animals to survive is called omnivorous.

3. Nocturnal: Organisms which are active during night time is called nocturnal.

4. Cursorial: organisms which are specifically adapted to run is called cursorial.

5. Arthropoda: It is a vast group of animals having jointed appendages or leg

6. Ocellar spots / Fenestrae: Fenestrae are also called as ocellar spots situated at the base of each antenna and they appear as white spots.

7. Feelers: The antennae of cockroaches are called feelers.

8. Arolium: A padlike lobe projecting between the tarsal claws of many insects are called arolium.

9. Spiracles: An external respiratory organ present on the lateral side of the cockroach body.

10. Ommatidia: Ommatidia are structural and functional units of a compound eye, each forming an image of a very small part of the visual field. Collectively, the compound eye produces a mosaic image.

11. Haemocoel: The body cavity of cockroaches filled with blood is called haemocoel.

12. Hemolymph: The colourless blood the cockroaches are called haemolymph.

13. Hepatic Ceacae :  Hepatic caeca are thin, transparent, short, blind (closed) and hollow tubules. hepatic caeca secrete digestive enzymes and thus help in digestion of food.

14. Cannibalism: The tendency of an organism to eat their own species is called Cannibalism.

15. Diastasis: It is a third phase in the heart cycle in which heart remain present in the expanded state.

16. Nephrocyte: a specialized cell, especially in arthropods, whose function involves the accumulation or formation of waste or excretory products.

17. Spermatophores: The sperms produced by the testes are stored in seminal vesicles and are glued together in the form of bundles called spermatophores.

18. Bursa copulatrix: Two lateral oviducts unite to form common oviduct or vagina, which in turn opens into the genital chamber (bursa copulatrix), the female organ of copulation.

19. Ootheca: The secretion of collateral glands forms a capsule around the egg is called ootheca or egg case. The ootheca is dark reddish to blackish brown capsule about 8 mm long, containing 14 to 16 fertilized eggs in two rows.

20. Paurometabolous development: The development of Periplaneta americana is paurometabolous i.e there is development through the nymphal stage.



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