Diseases Caused by Environmental Problems

In a study published by WHO today, it was pointed out that health problems caused by polluted water, pollution in the atmosphere or work-related stress and traffic cause 13 million deaths per year in the world, and it was underlined that these deaths could be prevented by providing a cleaner environment.

It was stated that these countries are primarily faced with the problems caused by poor quality water that causes diarrheal diseases and the fuels used in cooking in the kitchens of the houses and causing respiratory diseases.

Maria Neira, head of WHO's Environment and Public Health division, said that "developing countries are facing new environmental problems, such as cardiovascular disease caused by a sedentary lifestyle, along with these traditional problems seen in poor countries."

Environmental pollution is environmental problems that disrupt the natural balance in ecosystems and negatively affect the life activities of living things. There are generally two types of contamination;

In the first type of pollution; Substances such as food residues, animal feces and dead, plant residues become harmless by biological factors or by themselves. In this event, which is also called temporary pollution, the substances that cause pollution disappear easily and in a short time. In the second type of pollution, the polluting substances do not disappear by biological factors or by themselves, or it takes many years for these substances to disappear. In this event, which is also called permanent pollution; detergents, plastics, pesticides, radiation, etc. Substances cause.

Environmental pollution; air, water, soil, radiation, sound, light and food pollution.

Air pollution
Air pollution; It is the reaching of the foreign substances in the atmosphere, which adversely affect the health of living things, in the amount and density above the normal. Air pollution can be divided into three according to its sources.

1. Air pollution caused by heating: Carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (soot, soot, dust) coming out of stove or heating boiler chimneys are the main pollutants that cause air pollution.
2. Air pollution from motor vehicles: Carbon monoxide, particulate matter and hydrocarbons in the exhaust gas are the main ones that pollute the air. Lead compounds are also an important pollutant in gasoline vehicles.
3. Air pollution caused by industry: The establishment of industrial facilities in the city, the absence of treatment plants and chimney filters, the use of high sulfur fuels are the most important causes of air pollution.
As a result of air pollution, diseases such as chronic bronchitis and shortness of breath occur. Air pollution also plays a role in the emergence of asthma and allergic diseases. Apart from these, air pollution also plays an important role in the formation of lung cancer. Air pollution has negative effects not only on human health but also on nature. E.g; Problems such as the formation of acid rain, the depletion of the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect arise as a result of air pollution.

Acid rain is a term for rain, snow, or fog with a pH of less than 5.6. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases are emitted into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. As a result of the reaction of these gases with water vapor, strong acids (sulfuric acid, nitric acid) are formed and they descend to the earth in the form of rain or snow. Acid rain causes the death of plants, pollution of streams and damage to historical buildings.
The ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet (ultraviolet) rays from the sun, which negatively affects living things, and prevents them from reaching the earth. The ozone layer is thinning with the effect of some chemical substances, especially chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). As a result, the harmful rays of the sun reach the earth and cause diseases such as skin cancer.
Exhaust gases, which enter into photochemical reactions in sunlight, form ozone and nitrogen dioxide in smoke clouds formed from polluted air. Thus, ozone pollution occurs in the lower parts of the atmosphere close to the earth. ozone pollution; irritating to eyes, nose, throat and damaging the respiratory system.

Diseases Caused by Water Pollution
The main diseases that can be transmitted to humans from wastewater are as follows; cholera, jaundice, typhoid fever, diarrhoea, amoeba, dysentery, bacillary dysentery, paratyphoid, polio, tularemia, fungus, scabies, trochoma, typhus, joint fever, encephalitis, filarrasis, malaria, and yellow fever.

From these diseases;
The environment where the microorganisms that cause these diseases in cholera, jaundice, typhoid and diarrhea are directly waste and dirty water. Amoebic dysentery, bacillary dysentery and paratyphoid diseases are also diseases that are transmitted to humans by the carriage of wastewater. These diseases are common in almost all countries. It is transmitted to humans through the mixing of wastewater with drinking water sources.
Possibly carriers of febrile diseases called polio and tularemia are wastewater. No matter if a clean environment is provided as desired, another group of diseases seen in places where drinking water is not clean enough and mixed with wastewater is fungal, scabies, typhus and trachoma diseases. Among them, trachoma is a disease that is transmitted by wastewater and causes blindness.

Polluted water is a good living and reproduction environment for microorganisms that cause joint fever, encephalitis, filarriasis, malaria and yellow fever. These diseases are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes originating from contaminated water.
All of the above-mentioned diseases are dangerous and should be avoided, the results of which can lead to disability and death.

Environmental pollution and asthma
Environmental factors, allergens and viral infections in childhood are known to exacerbate asthma. Asthma is a public health problem. In asthma, the airways become sensitive to environmental changes, coughing and wheezing occur. "Environmental factors, allergens and viral infections in childhood make asthma escalate. In asthma, there is swelling in the airways due to non-microbial inflammation. As the airways are blocked due to the contraction of the muscles in the airways, breathing becomes difficult. Asthma attack, besides environmental pollution, flu infection, Allergens, cigarette smoke, air pollution, chemicals, sadness, stress, some painkillers, blood pressure lowering drugs also increase it. Asthma complaints differ from hour to hour, from day to day, and they affect life negatively by varying from person to person. In order to prevent asthma from harming the society, it is necessary to reduce the factors that facilitate catching it, families who do not want their children to develop asthma should not allow the cooking fumes to mix heavily with the inhaled air while cooking at home, there should definitely be an ideal aspirator in the kitchen or at least the windows should be kept open. There are 250 thousand asthmatics. The number of patients in Istanbul is below European standards. In a study conducted by the Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Chest Diseases with a team of 20 people, the frequency and causes of respiratory diseases in Istanbul were examined. In a study conducted by the Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Chest Diseases, it was determined that approximately 250 thousand people in Istanbul have asthma. In the study, the prevalence of asthma in Istanbul was found to be 2.4 percent. Within the framework of the European Union respiratory diseases research, the frequency and causes of asthma, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases in Istanbul were investigated with a team of 20 people. Eyüp district of Istanbul, where air pollution is most intense, and Beykoz, which receives clean winds from the Black Sea, were selected for the research. Accordingly, there are 250 thousand asthmatic patients in Istanbul. This figure is below European standards. Contrary to what is known, it was observed that air pollution did not have a significant effect on the frequency of asthma. The situation is different in chronic bronchitis. Smoking and air pollution are the two most important factors that cause disease. The biggest cause of asthma is house dust mites and home appliances working with LPG gas. 70 percent of allergic asthma patients in Turkey have house dust mite allergy. Asthmatic housewives should definitely ventilate their kitchens for 24 hours and have an aspirator installed on their stoves that work with LPG.

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